Massage for the elderly

Did you know that many major cities have massage schools, and that as a part of the training requirements for their students, the masseuse or masseur in training must visit assisted living facilities or nursing homes to ‘practice’ their craft for free (or for a minimal charge)?

For anyone who hasn’t had a professional massage, it not only works wonders for your physical body, but the mental and emotional benefits are also great.

I came across a great website today that offers massage training “specifically for our elders and the ill or dying person.” They are Compassionate Touch

I also found a little video blub about them:

2 thoughts on “Massage for the elderly

  1. Ann Catlin

    Hello! I just discovered your blog and want to thank you for your kind words about Compassionate Touch and your support of my work. I invite you to take a look at my blog that deals with massage for special populations, especially elders. Go to
    I hope our paths will cross in the future.
    Thanks again,
    Ann Catlin, director Center for Compassionate Touch LLC

  2. admin Post author

    Hi Ann,
    My pleasure, and thanks for your comment. I Will check out your blog! I particularly enjoyed your Youtube video. I encourage people to check it out.

    Take care,
