Find Assisted Living in Minnesota Using Trusted State Resources

Please visit, or return to our Minnesota Assisted Living Directory page for listings, photos and further information.

We realize that there are hundreds of senior care sites out there and many of them are excellent, and provide sound information and have trustworthy authors and publishers behind the scenes.  However, there are plenty of sites out there that are inaccurate, and even questionable in terms of motives and where they get their information from.

That’s why Assisted Living Directory strives to, whenever possible, point out and highlight trusted, state resources that are available to the public to help them to further their research into senior care, and to also provide a way to double-check and verify information that they may have found on another site, or perhaps in the marketing materials or brochure of an assisted living home.

The State of Minnesota offers a wonderful portal for seniors to find assisted living homes, Alzheimer’s or memory care, and any number of other retirement or senior care options throughout Minnesota.  Our short video tutorial will take you for a quick ‘tour’ of the features and information that is available: should be considered noncommercial, unbiased, and a very trustworthy way to research senior care:

This is one of the most comprehensive sites we have found for Minnesota.  We hope that in the future there will be a way to look up facility surveys and inspections, but at this time, this information is apparently not published through state websites.