Assisted Living Directory places a lot of value and importance on complaints and inspections when it comes to assisted living facilities and adult foster care homes. We believe that complaints reports should always be available to the public for free, and online, so families can research facilities on a fact-based basis.
We also believe that knowing about facility complaints and investigations can inspire constructive questions to ask facilities.
But, what about filing the complaint itself? We believe that this too should be easy for anyone, and should be available on an anonymous basis if possible.
Michigan has achieved this, for the most part through their Department of Human Services website, where seniors or other individuals, families and caregivers can file a complaint against an adult foster care home (assisted living facility) anywhere in Michigan.
How To File A Complaint:
1) You should visit, and read the DHS “Filing a Complaint” page in their Licensing section, which has detailed information on the types of complaints that can be filed, and how to file them.,1607,7-124-5455_27716-80945–,00.html
Additionally, you’ll be able to view a .pdf document on how to review a facility’s governing act or rules prior to making a complaint.
There is a section that tells you how to make a complaint about a facility that you believe is unlicensed (you must be able to describe or indicate how you know this to be the case).
To make a complaint (the DHS states that “Your name will be kept confidential and will not be released unless ordered by the court) you can use an Online Complaint Form here:,1607,7-124-5455_27716-82239–,00.html
Or, if you can’t, for whatever reason, do this electronically, you can mail a complaint to
Michigan Department of Human Services
Bureau of Children and Adult Licensing
Complaint Intake Unit
201 N. Washington Square, 4th Floor
PO Box 30650
Lansing, MI 48909
Two other options include faxing it: (517) 284-9739 or simply calling them at 1-866-856-0126