4 Common Geriatric Headaches and Their Significance By Dr. De Leon What does it mean if someone suffers from a headache for the first time in their twilight years? First, I will talk about Migraines. What is a migraine? This is…
5 Easy Ways to Boost Your Memory!
By Dr. De Leon Have you ever found yourself frantically looking for your glasses only to discover that they were on your nose already? Or have you nearly lost your mind looking for the cell phone, when suddenly you are…
Getting Assisted Living Help If You Are Obese
Visit or return to Assisted Living Directory’s main article discussing Assisted Living for Obesity. A few years ago, we put together a page on our site discussing whether assisted living can help, and is appropriate for those who are obese,…
Any Seniors Needing Some Inspiration?
I am a runner, and I am in what you might consider mid-life. I love every minute of it, but yes, there are times when I wake up in the morning a little more sore than I might have been…
At what age are people the nicest?
I was at the gym today trying to get a workout in (escaping the almost 100 degree heat) and I was noticing that a lot of people were on the cranky side. This probably due to how hot it was,…
If you are in need of some inspiration
This is one of the most heartfelt and inspirational videos I have ever seen. It has really made me re-evaluate my priorities.
Sliver Sneakers in your town?
I was working out at our local community center today (it is a spectacular fitness center, I must say). I usually go over there at about 10:30 in the morning, and at this time, the “Silver Sneakers” are there. This…