Assisted Living – New Blog!

We are excited to roll out our blog that will cover anything and everything having to do with assisted living. We may even throw in some random humor and subjects as well! Keep an eye out for new posts, as we will do our best to keep this blog informational and entertaining!

One thought on “Assisted Living – New Blog!

  1. K. Miller


    The Assisted Living Federation of America (ALFA) is a specialized association dedicated to professionally managed assisted living communities around the country. It is the only organization of its’ kind and has over 500 members. ALFA serves as the voice to senior living community members and advocates on their behalf while pushing the communities themselves to constantly improve. Through national conferences, research, publications and executive networks, ALFA promotes business and operational excellence. It advocates for informed choice, quality care and accessibility for every American in order to influence public policy.

    Each year, ALFA holds a National Conference to allow senior living executives to learn new ideas and strategies for future progress. At this conference, Hero Awards are presented to assisted living professionals who go beyond their job description every day. We feel that these people deserve recognition for all they do for their residents to improve their quality of life and are reaching out to your blog to help us do so. This year, five Hero’s were chosen for a variety of reasons. Ricky Fox overcomes his own needs to help others. Kasey Gobin has completely changed the kitchen in his community into a new experience. Joan Carney implemented an assortment of creative programs to get her residents more involved. Amparo Machuca organizes social activities to improve the quality of life in her community. Curtis Bond understands how meaningful small things, such as a hug, are to his residents. We are proud to honor these five Hero’s this year.

    On ALFA’s official blog Re:Source 2.0 (, we have posted videos of the award presentations with short clips about each winner. We hope that you will join us in thanking our award winners by posting this short video’s on your blog to let your readers see the good that is being done in different assisted living communities

    If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us at anytime.

    Thank you.