Great Assisted Living Resource for Indiana

Visit or return to our Indiana Assisted Living Directory section to see facilities information.

The Indiana Family & Social Services Administration site has an excellent and comprehensive services and facilities finder map for a number of senior services, including assisted living.  Our short video tutorial will show you where to find this great tool, and how to use it:

Users can find care by county or by using the interactive map by choosing a region in Indian that you are interested in finding care in.

“Layers” that can be searched include:

*Local Area Agencies on Aging
*Congregate Meals
*Public Transit
*Supportive Housing for the Elderly
*Assisted Living
*Nursing Facilities

This tool is very thorough, unbiased, noncommercial and uses State-of-Indiana sponsored data.

Assisted Living Directory has always beloved in promoting, and pointing out sites and resources that offer complimentary information to what you might find elsewhere online, or perhaps in marketing materials such as a brochure. This tool is no exception, and should be considered a trustworthy way to further your research into the many assisted living and senior care options throughout Indiana.

More Information: