Find Small-Town & Rural Assisted Living in Ohio

One of the things that many assisted living sites do is to purchase a widely-available, yet often outdated database of assisted living facilities nationwide.  I think this database has over 36,000 facilities in it.

(You can visit, or return to our Ohio assisted living page for facility information and additional state/local resources).

Problem is, it’s often incomplete, and the unfortunate truth about our industry is that assisted living homes change, go out of business,  change ownership – there’s plenty of things.

The other thing that so many other sites DON’T do is provide state resources and information to help their users with their research.  There’s no money in it (including other helpful sites).

We (Assisted Living Directory) are different.  We feel a great deal of responsibility in directing our users to great sources of information – even it it is outside of our own site.

One of these resources if for Ohio, and it’s a great way to research and find assisted living facilities for smaller-town, and rural areas of Ohio statewide!

The facility search tool is offered through the State of Ohio, and it’s Long-Term Care Consumer Guide.  Here’s an image capture of what the interface looks like.

Small Town and Rural assisted living search for Ohio

You can access the search tool here: (will open in a new tab).

The great thing about this search tool is that you can filter by:

* County
* City
* Nursing Homes
* Supportive Living
* Residential Care
* Alzheimer’s or Dementia Care
& so much more.

You can also adjust the miles radius to search from starting location – which is extremely useful for those rural areas where there might not be an option in town, or nearby.

Another cool feature is that this tool offers the Facility’s Resident Survey Quality Score, which you can sort high to low, or vice-versa!

Quality Measure Score for Facilities

Again, this tool is state-sponsored, and non-commercial.